Tuesday, November 10, 2009

3 Killer Lead Generating Techniques For Your Sozo Business

Killer Lead Generating Techniques for Your Sozo Business

Strategic new media marketing techniques and hands-on search engine
optimization (SEO) resulting in documented new leads.

Kendell Lang, Technology and New Media Consultant

How would you like to learn explosive techniques to build your SOZO business using the Internet? Let me show you how I get unlimited leads from the Internet. Are you tired of chasing your family and friends, going to meetings, attending conference calls, passing out fliers and buying leads? Want to learn my top three lead generating strategies? Then keep reading.

#1. Social Sites:
Social sites are a dream come true for on line marketers. You can meet and talk to thousands of people instantaneously. Social sites are a blast to get involved with. Not only are they fun but you can generate tons of quality leads for your SOZO business everyday.

You must learn how to market properly on social sites. Most new marketers will begin by pushing their SOZO business to every new contact they make. This is the wrong approach. People do not like to be sold. So do not go into a social site and tell everybody about how great your SOZO business is. They don't care. You will need to establish a relationship with people first, then you can show them your SOZO business. When the time is right.

#2 Article Marketing:
One of the most powerful techniques is article marketing, it will bring hoards of leads for a long time. Article marketing is easy to do but does require some time to implement but you will find the results are well worth it. You can write some articles and bring leads into you SOZO business. There are some secret techniques that must be used to be successful with article marketing.

Your efforts in this endeavor must be continual to see the results you are looking for in your SOZO business. You don't have to be a best selling author to write an article. Just write something honest and educational. When I write articles I keep them between 500 and 700 words. Article directories like to have a minimum of 500 words. If you go over 700 words you have the chance of loosing the reader. When you begin to submit articles I recommend a software called Automatic Article Submitter. It will submit your articles automatically. I use it for all my article submissions.

#3 Video Marketing
Video marketing is also very powerful way to build your SOZO business. All you need is a cheap web cam. Get in front of the cam and talk about the info in the article you just wrote about, then attach it to your article and put it on article directories.

Google loves videos. Videos keep their ranking for a long time. All the links you create for your video. Make sure they point back to your original article. I use Youtube to host my videos because it is free.

#4 Blog
Your blog will be the center of your SOZO marketing efforts and all your articles should point back to the article posted on your blog. You will appear to have credibility with a blog. You should always post the original article on your blog. Be sure all your marketing links back to your blog.

I just gave four of my most potent lead generating techniques to build your SOZO business. The best part of these strategies is they will cost you nothing but time to put into practice.

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